Christian Education | 9:30 am Sundays
Leader: Fr. Jeffery W. Marx, Rector
Adult Sunday School Journey through the Prayer Book update: We continue to review the Burial Office and will continue to read the assigned options for Biblical texts at funerals. We will probably be reading New Testament Letters and Gospels throughout the summer.
Leader: Fr. Jeffery W. Marx, Rector
Adult Sunday School Journey through the Prayer Book update: We continue to review the Burial Office and will continue to read the assigned options for Biblical texts at funerals. We will probably be reading New Testament Letters and Gospels throughout the summer.
Bible Studies
Bible studies are offered at Saint Andrew’s four mornings a week.
Monday Men’s Bible Study | 10 am in the parish hall | Dax Carter
The men are covering material from Zondervan Master Lectures. All men are invited to attend.
Tuesday Ladies’ Bible Study | 10 am in the parish hall | Patti Gildea
The ladies are now studying The Rock, the Road, and the Rabbi, by Gifford and Sobel. They meet every Tuesday from 10:00–11:30 am. They welcome new participants. Everyone is invited.
Wednesday Genesis Bible Study | 10 am in the parish hall | Fr. Jeff Marx
Fr. Jeff's Genesis study began in September 2021. The first book of the Bible contains the revelation of God about the creation of the world and the seed of Israel. While these stories are familiar, too often they are read from a simplistic, modern historical perspective, and as such most of their wealth is not perceived. Seeking to read the Bible in dialogue with its ancient context, we look deeply at the words the author used and the patterns and connections between Genesis and the rest of the Bible. We are concerned with what it meant to them. We want to discern what is being revealed, rather than coming to the text with our own questions and imposing answers on the text. This class will pick up with the materials posted on Facebook, with additional insights from the Church Fathers of the Christian faith. It will be a slow-motion study, trying to honor the depth to be found therein. (Unrefined) study notes will be provided online for those who want to print them off as a guide. The class will be in the parish hall of Saint Andrew's. There is an air purification system, and we suggest that people practice reasonable precautions (in accord with current recommendations by local authorities) for as long as the Covid concerns warrant it. Participants should bring a Bible. The Jewish Study Bible is an especially useful tool. There are also numerous annotated Christian Bibles. The class is open to anyone interested in attending. See the following link for the study notes: Genesis chapters 1 through 12:9
Thursday Bible Study | 10 am in the parish hall | Fr. Christian Senyoni
The Thursday group is exploring what it means to die to self. They are using the book Renovation of the Heart in Daily Practice (by Dallas Willard & Jan Johnson) alongside other Christian writings to help dive deeper into the heart of God so that participants’ own hearts may be renewed and transformed. They are using the mini personal retreat, like Jesus did regularly, to interact with God regarding inward transformation into Christlikeness. It's like short experiments, in which one’s daily spiritual journeys will flow guided by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Becoming disciples of Christ demands our total focus and determination so that we can learn Kingdom living in God’s presence. Everyone is invited to attend.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
106 Walnut St., Collierville, TN 38017 P.O. Box 626, Collierville, TN 38027 901-853-0425 Phone 901-853-0423 Fax Weekend Schedule Healing Eucharist Saturday: 5:00 pm Holy Eucharist Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 am Christian Education Sunday: 9:30 am |