As you’re probably on this page because you have some questions about visiting Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, let us attempt to answer some common questions. If we’ve missed something, then please let us know! Please help us to help you and other future guests.
What should I wear?
We try to dress respectfully for worship; for most, that look is business casual. There are some suits and dresses, but many woman wear slacks. Children can dress like children! The more important concern is your heart and soul, and we hope no one would stay away because they don’t feel dressy enough!
Where should I park?
There are public parking lots adjacent to the church and across the street. On Sundays, many choose to park on the streets around the church (Mulberry and Walnut).
Is there anything for my children?
This is a small church of about 300 active members. While there are dozens of children, we are not a mega church with endless program options. We have learned that youth sports, arts, and school programs provide endless options for young people. We see Saint Andrew’s as a multi-generational opportunity for worship and a ‘school’ for Christian formation. However, there are various youth activities throughout the year, and with the recent hire of Rachel Stotzle, our Family Life Coordinator, these opportunities are increasing.
How will I find a Bible Study or class?
There are so many, it’s tempting to say you cannot avoid them. Contact the church office if you like, or just show up (except Tuesday, they order materials). Sunday School is between services and that is easy to find.
Where should I go during my first Sunday visit?
We try to be friendly but not invasive. Greeters at the front door are great contacts if you have questions. If you prefer a quieter entrance, simply enter the large red door of the sanctuary and sit in a pew. There are only twenty one to choose from so it’s likely you will encounter someone pretty quickly.
Anything different I might expect?
Our church/sanctuary is pretty quiet before a service. We believe in prayerful preparation for the service. So it will not be a social time, although if you have a question it is considered perfectly fine to ask someone. You will see and hear some people quietly talking.
There are no projectors or bands here. We use a real book (and supply a handy order of service with page numbers and hymns) and our service is based on the ancient prayer of the church. We believe that the way the church has always prayed is a good way to approach worship today.
Where should I sit during the worship service?
There are no assigned seats. Like most churches the back rows fill up quickly. We suggest the middle, so you can get a feel for what is going on.
What about communion?
If you are a baptized Christian believer, you are welcome to communion. We consecrate bread and (real) wine. After the prayers, people line up and come forward to kneel at the rail and receive. If you do not want to receive you may cross your arms across your chest and receive a blessing. After receiving, you simply return to your seat. Fortunately, the process is clear, if you get in line you will move right along. The ushers are there to help, and if you are unable to come forward, just tell them, and the ministers will bring you communion in the pew.
Will I fit in?
Come find out. We believe we are all in this church together. We would like the opportunity to get to know you and grow together. We hope you would come a time or two to check us out. If God wants you here, you will fit in! If He is calling you somewhere else, you will fit in there.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
106 Walnut St., Collierville, TN 38017 P.O. Box 626, Collierville, TN 38027 901-853-0425 Phone 901-853-0423 Fax Weekend Schedule Healing Eucharist Saturday: 5:00 pm Holy Eucharist Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30 am Christian Education Sunday: 9:30 am |